
V.D.Lakhno, E.L.Nagaev.
Ferron-polaron states of carriers in antiferromagnetic semiconductors //Fiz. Tverd Tela (Leningrad), 1976, №18, p.3429-3432

      It is shown that ferron states in antiferromagnetic semiconductors are stabilized by the electron-induced polarization of the ionic crystal lattice. An electron captured by a ferromagnetic microregion polarizes the lattice much more strongly than a free electron and the process reduces the electron energy. A calculation is reported of the maximum Neel temperature at which a ferron is still stable at T = 0. It is found that in the case of europium chalcogenides this temperature is twice as high as in the absence of such polarization. The ferron dissociation temperature also increases by a factor of 2.