
V.D.Lakhno, E.L.Nagaev.
Magnetostriction ferrons //Fiz. Tverd. Tela (Leningrad), 1978, v.20, №1, p.82-86

      A study is made of the self-localization of conduction electrons within ferromagnetic regions created by the conduction electrons in metamagnetic materials (such as EuSe) with a strong volume dependence of the exchange integral. In contrast to the standard ferron states, the creation of a ferromagnetic region is accompanied by the change of sign of the exchange integral between magnetic atoms in the electron self-localization region. The energy loss due to the creation of such a region is governed essentially by lattice strain. It is shown that an external magnetic field increases the magnetic moment of a ferron and, for h=hsf (hsf is the spin-flop field), the ferron moment is approximately twice as large as the moment in the absence of a field. The ferron magnetic moment increases also in the absence of a magnetic field in a sample subjected to an applied stress creating a strain in a crystal.