Papers 1990
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V.D.Lakhno. Excited polaron states in ionic crystals // Excited polaron states in condensed media // Ed. V.D.Lakhno. – Pushchino: Scientific Center of Biological Researches USSR Academy of Sciences, 1990, P.4 ( in Russian )
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V.D.Lakhno. Bipolarons in superionic conductors // Excited polaron states in condensed media // Ed. V.D.Lakhno. – Pushchino: Scientific Center of Biological Researches USSR Academy of Sciences, 1990, P.119 ( in Russian )
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V.D.Lakhno, G.N.Chuev. The local phonon frequencies in the polaron and F-center theory // Excited polaron states in condensed media // Ed. V.D.Lakhno. – Pushchino: Scientific Center of Biological Researches USSR Academy of Sciences, 1990, P.18 ( in Russian )
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I.V.Amirkhanov, V.D.Lakhno, I.V.Puzynin, T.A.Strizh, V.K.Fedyanin. A numerical study of nonlinear self-consistent eigenvalue problem in generalized polaron model // Excited polaron states in condensed media // Ed. V.D.Lakhno. – Pushchino: Scientific Center of Biological Researches USSR Academy of Sciences, 1990, P.70 ( in Russian )
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B.P.Atanasov, N.K.Balabaev, V.D.Lakhno, A.M.Molchanov. Extended electron states in proteins // Excited polaron states in condensed media // Ed. V.D.Lakhno. – Pushchino: Scientific Center of Biological Researches USSR Academy of Sciences, 1990, P.87 ( in Russian )
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V.D.Lakhno, O.V.Vasil’ev. Thermodynamic theory of solvated electron // Preprint. – Pushchino: Scientific Center of Biological Researches USSR Academy of Sciences, 1990
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I.V.Amirkhanov, V.D.Lakhno, I.V.Puzynin, T.A.Strizh, O.V.Vasil’ev. A numerical investigation of the nonlinear self-consistent eigenvalue problem in a generalized solvated electron model // Preprint. – Pushchino: Scientific Center of Biological Researches USSR Academy of Sciences, 1990
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N.K.Balabaev, V.D.Lakhno. Structure of the close coupling polaron // Mathematics and Modelling // Eds. Yu.G.Zarkhin, A.D.Basykin, – Pushchino: Scientific Center of Biological Researches USSR Academy of Sciences, 1990, P.197 ( in Russian )
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N.K.Balabaev, G.N.Chuev, V.D.Lakhno. Polaron states in proteins and their role in large-distance transfer // 10 Int. Biophysics Congress, 1990, Vancouver, Canada : Abstracts. – Vancouver, 1990, P.117
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N.K.Balabaev, G.N.Chuev, V.D.Lakhno. Polaron state in proteins and their role in large-distance transfer // 2 Conf. “Physical Base of molecular device construction”, 1990 : Abstracts. – Moscow : Elest, 1990, P.48
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N.K.Balabaev, V.D.Lakhno, A.M.Molchanov, B.P.Atanasov. Extended electron states in proteins // J. Mol. El., 1990, Vol.6, P.155-166
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V.D.Lakhno, O.V.Vasil’ev. Thermodynamic theory of solvated electron // Preprint. – Pushchino: Scientific Center of Biological Researches USSR Academy of Sciences, 1990 ( in Russian )
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N.K.Balabaev, V.D.Lakhno. Absorption spectrum of the relaxed excited state оf the elесtron in pгоtein glоbule // Laser Аррlications in Life Sciences. The 3-rd International Сonference on Laser Scattering Spectroscopy and Diagnostics of Biological Objects, 1990, Moscow : Proceedings, 1990
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N.K.Balabaev, V.D.Lakhno, G.N.Chuev. Polaron states in proteins and their role in large-distance transfer // 2th All-Union workshop “Physical Base of molecular device construction”, 1990, Moscow : Abstracts. – Moscow : Elest, 1990, P.48 ( in Russian )