Papers 2013
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Ponomarev O.A., Shigaev A.S., Zhukov A.I., Lakhno V.D.. Hole Conductivity in Heterogeneous DNA Fragments // Mathematical biology and bioinformatics (arXiv:1308.0003 [cond-mat.other]), 2013, Vol.8, №1, P.135-160 ( in Russian )
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V.D. Lakhno. Mathematical modeling of charge dynamics in molecular chains // The International Conference MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS (MMCP 2013, Dubna, Russia, July 8 – July 12, 2013) — Dubna:JINR, 2013; ISBN 978-5-9530-0362-9, 2013, P.121-122
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A. Volokhova, E. Zemlyanaya, V. Lakhno, I. Amirkhanov, I. Puzynin, T. Puzynina. Numerical simulation of the hydrated electron formation // The International Conference MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS (MMCP 2013, Dubna, Russia, July 8 – July 12, 2013) — Dubna:JINR, 2013; ISBN 978-5-9530-0362-9, 2013, P.180
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V.D. Lakhno, V.B. Sultanov. Band structure of the spectra of Hamiltonians of regular polynucleotide duplexes // Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2013, Vol.176, №3, P.1194-1206
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Shigaev A.S., Ponomarev O.A., Lakhno V.D.. Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of DNA Open States // Mathematical biology and bioinformatics (arXiv:1402.6533 [q-bio.BM]), 2013, Vol.8, №2, P.553-664 ( in Russian )
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D.A. Tikhonov, N.S. Fialko, E.V. Sobolev, and V.D. Lakhno. Scaling of Temperature Dependence of Charge Mobility in Molecular Holstein Chains // arXiv:1308.4337 [cond-mat.stat-mech], 2013, P.
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E.V. Sobolev, A.V. Danilkovich, I.P. Udovichenko, V.M. Lipkin, D.A. Tikhonov. Methods of the theory of liquids as an efficient approach to the analysis of polar peptide complexes // Doklady Physical Chemistry, 2013, Vol.450, №1, P.122-125
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E.V. Sobolev, N.S. Fialko. Modeling of Dynamics of Charge Transfer in Biopolymer with Temperature // Second International Conference , June 3-5, 2013, Lviv, Ukraine. Collection of scientific papers. ISBN 978-966-02-6442-3, 2013, P.216-217