Publications on Nanobioelectronics
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V.D. Lakhno, V.B. Sultanov. The DNA-based electronic logical gate XOR // Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics, 2006, Vol.1, №1, P.123-126 ( in Russian )
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V.D. Lakhno, V.B. Sultanov. On the Possibility of Electronic DNA Nanobiochips // J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2007, Vol.3, P.703-705
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V.D. Lakhno. DNA nanobioelectronics // 3rd Symposium on Theoretical Biophysics (TheoBio-07). June 16-20, 2007, Cetraro Italy, 2007
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V.D. Lakhno. DNA-based electronic devices // XXI International Symposium “NUCLEAR ELECTRONICS & COMPUTING (NEC’2007)”, September 12-18, 2007, Varna, Bulgaria, 2007
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V.D. Lakhno. Davydov soliton in DNA // Molecular Self-Organization in Micro-, Nano, and Macro Dimensions: from Molecules to Water, to Nanoparticles, DNA and Proteins, Nato Advanced Research Workshop, June 8-12, 2008, Bogolybov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyiv, Ukraine; Book of abstracts., 2008
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V.D. Lakhno. The Problem of DNA Conductivity // Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, 2008, Vol.5, №3, P.231-235
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V.D. Lakhno. DNA nanobioelectronics // International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2008, Vol.108, №11, P.1970-1981
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V.D. Lakhno, V.B. Sultanov. Baseline logical elements on the basis of DNA // International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2008, Vol.108, №11, P.1913-1920
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. Computer modeling of nanobiochips // White book on nanotechnology, 2008, P.196-197 ( in Russian )
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. DNA-based nanowires // White book on nanotechnology, 2008, P.197 ( in Russian )
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. Molecular motors based on DNA charge transfer // White book on nanotechnology, 2008, P.197-198 ( in Russian )
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. Biosensors based on DNA charge transfer // White book on nanotechnology, 2008, P.198 ( in Russian )
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V.D. Lakhno. DNA-based electronic devices // XXI International Symposium “NUCLEAR ELECTRONICS & COMPUTING (NEC’2007)”, (September 10-17, 2007, Varna, Bulgaria): Proceedings of the Symposium. — Dubna: JINR, 2008. 473 p. ISBN 5-9530-0171-1, 2008, P.288-293
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V.D. Lakhno. Computer biology and nanobioelectronics // II International Conference on Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics (September 7-13, 2008, Pushchino, Russia) : Proceedings of the Conference. — Moscow: MAKS Press, 2008. 256 p. (in Russian). ISBN 978-5-317-02503-8, 2008, P.9-10 ( in Russian )
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V. D. Lakhno. Nanobioelectronics of DNA: From Fundamental Problems to Applications // Glass Physics and Chemistry, 2008, Vol.34, №6, P.666-670
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V. D. Lakhno. Simulation of DNA-Based Nano Bioelectronic Devices // The Nanotechnology International Forum Rusnanotech-08 (December 3-5, 2008, Moscow, Russia): Proceedings of the Forum Scientific Sections. (in Russian)., 2008, Vol.2, P.181 ( in Russian )
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V.D. Lakhno. Davydov’s Solitons in DNA // Chapter in “Self-Organization of Molecular Systems – From Molecules and Clusters to Nanotubes and Proteins.” Eds. N.Russo, V.Ya. Antonchenko, E. Kryachko; Springer. 400 pp. ISBN: 978-90-481-2483-1, 2009, P.255-273
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V.D. Lakhno, V.B. Sultanov. On the Possibility of Superfast Charge Transfer in DNA // Mathematical biology and bioinformatics, 2009, Vol.4, №2, P.1-6
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V.D. Lakhno. Charge Transfer in DNA and Nanobioelectronics // Information and Structure in the Nanoworld, (July 01-03 2009, Saint-Petersburg, Russia): Conference Materials. — Saint-Petersburg,, 2009, P.28
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V.D. Lakhno. DNA-Based Electronic Nanobiosensors and Nanobiochips // BIT’s 3rd World Congress of Gene-2009, (December 1-7, 2009, Foshan, China): Conference Proceedings. — Foshan, 2009. 408 p., 2009, P.163
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V.D. Lakhno. Davydov’s solitons in homogeneous nucleotide chain // International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2010, Vol.110, P.127-137
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V.D. Lakhno, V.B. Sultanov. Bipolarons in homogeneous DNA duplexes // Chemical Physics Letters, 2011, Vol.503, P.292-295
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V.D. Lakhno. Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011, Vol.81, №5, P.539-545
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A.S. Shigaev, O.A. Ponomarev, V.D. Lakhno. A new approach to microscopic modeling of a hole transfer in heteropolymer DNA // Chemical Physics Letters, 2011, Vol.513, P.276-279
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Tikhonov D.A., Sobolev E.V., Lakhno V.D., Fialko N.S.. Adiabatic approximation for the calculation of the charge mobility in the DNA Holstein model // Mathematical biology and bioinformatics, 2011, Vol.6, №2, P.264-272 ( in Russian )
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V.D. Lakhno, V.B. Sultanov. On the Possibility of Bipolaronic States in DNA // Biophysics, 2011, Vol.56, №2, P.210-213
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V.D. Lakhno. Applied Problems of Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics // Biophysics, 2011, Vol.56, №6, P.1047-1054
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V.D. Lakhno, N.S. Fialko. Solvation Effects on Hole Mobility in the Poly G/Poly C Duplex (arXiv:1310.1720 []) // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2012, Vol.86, №5, P.832-836
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V.D. Lakhno, V.B. Sultanov. Possibility of a (bi)polaron high-temperature superconductivity in Poly A/ Poly T DNA duplexes // Journal of Applied Physics (arXiv:1302.3398 [cond-mat.supr-con]), 2012, Vol.112, №6, P.064701
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V.D. Lakhno. Modeling of electron dynamics in DNA. (Plenary Talk). // The 5th International Conference “Distributed Computing and Grid-technologies in Science and Education”, GRID’2012 (July 16-21, 2012, Dubna, Russia), 2012
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V.D. Lakhno. Polaron motion in molecular chains and DNA conducting properties. (Plenary Talk) // International Conference PROBLEMS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS dedicated to Alexander Davydov 100th birthday. (October 8-11, 2012, Kyiv, Ukraine). Proceedings. — Kyiv: 2012. 115 pp., 2012, P.8
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V.D. Lakhno. Nanobioelectronics: theoretical background. (Plenary Talk) // IV International Conference on Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics, ICMBB-4 (October 14-19, 2012, Pushchino, Russia), 2012 ( in Russian )
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Ponomarev O.A., Shigaev A.S., Zhukov A.I., Lakhno V.D.. Hole Conductivity in Heterogeneous DNA Fragments // Mathematical biology and bioinformatics (arXiv:1308.0003 [cond-mat.other]), 2013, Vol.8, №1, P.135-160 ( in Russian )
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V.D. Lakhno, V.B. Sultanov. Band structure of the spectra of Hamiltonians of regular polynucleotide duplexes // Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2013, Vol.176, №3, P.1194-1206
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Shigaev A.S., Ponomarev O.A., Lakhno V.D.. Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of DNA Open States // Mathematical biology and bioinformatics (arXiv:1402.6533 [q-bio.BM]), 2013, Vol.8, №2, P.553-664 ( in Russian )
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D.A. Tikhonov, N.S. Fialko, E.V. Sobolev, and V.D. Lakhno. Scaling of Temperature Dependence of Charge Mobility in Molecular Holstein Chains // arXiv:1308.4337 [cond-mat.stat-mech], 2013, P.
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E.V. Sobolev, N.S. Fialko. Modeling of Dynamics of Charge Transfer in Biopolymer with Temperature // Second International Conference , June 3-5, 2013, Lviv, Ukraine. Collection of scientific papers. ISBN 978-966-02-6442-3, 2013, P.216-217
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Lakhno V.D., Chetverikov A.P.. Excitation of Bubbles and Breathers in DNA and Their Interaction with the Charge Carriers // Mathematical biology and bioinformatics (arXiv:1402.1130 [cond-mat.other]), 2014, Vol.9, №1, P.4-19 ( in Russian )
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Lakhno V.D., Fialko N.S.. Conditions for the Existence of Polaron States in Classical Molecular Chains at Finite Temperatures // Mathematical biology and bioinformatics (arXiv:1402.1129 [cond-mat.other]), 2014, Vol.9, №1, P.1-3 ( in Russian )
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D.A. Tikhonov, N.S. Fialko, E.V. Sobolev, V.D. Lakhno. Scaling of Temperature Dependence of Charge Mobility in Molecular Holstein Chains // Physical Review E (arXiv:1308.4337v2), 2014, Vol.89, №3, P.032124
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Kashirina N.I., Lakhno V.D.. Continuum Model of the One-Dimensional Holstein Bipolaron in DNA // Mathematical biology and bioinformatics, 2014, Vol.9, №2, P.430-437 ( in Russian )
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V.D. Lakhno. Charge transfer by means of nonlinear excitations in DNA. (Plenary Report) // The 6th International Conference “Distributed Computing and Grid-technologies in Science and Education”, GRID’2014. 30 June – 5 July 2014, Dubna, Russia. Book of Abstracts. Dubna:JINR, 2014, 95 c.; ISBN 978-5-9530-0387-2, 2014, P.74 ( in Russian )
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V. Lakhno, N. Fialko. Modeling of polaron states in classical molecular chains at finite temperatures // 4rd European Seminar on Computing ESCO2014, Pilsen, Czech Republic, June 15-20, 2014. Book of Abstracts, P.Solin, L.Koudela (Eds.), p.79. Publisher: University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic., 2014, P.79
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Lakhno V.D., Fialko N.S.. On the dynamics of a polaron in a classical chain with finite temperature // JETP, 2015, Vol.120, P.125-131
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Lakhno V.D., Fialko N.S.. Estimate of the Free Energy Using Calculations of Dynamics in the Semiclassical Holstein Model // Math. Biol. Bioinf., 2015, Vol.10, №2, P.562-566 ( in Russian )
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Lakhno V.D.. Energy and charge transfer in the single DNA molecule // 7th international theoretical biophysics symposium (TheoBio2015). June 8-12, 2015, Cagliari, Italy. Book of Abstracts., 2015, P.21
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Lakhno V.D.. Energy and charge transfer by nonlinear excitations in the DNA // International Conference “Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics” (MMCP 2015), Stara Lesna, Slovakia. July 13-17, 2015. Book of Abstracts, 2015, P.91
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V.D. Lakhno. Charge transfer along a DNA molecule. Nanobioelectronics // V Congress of Biophysicists of Russia. October 4-10, 2015, Rostov-na-Donu. (Invited Lection). Book of Abstracts, v. 1, p. 31, 2015, №1, P.31 ( in Russian )
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Fialko N.S., Lakhno V.D.. On the Calculations of Thermodynamic Quantities in Semiclassical Holstein Model // European conference on numerical mathematics and advanced applications, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. September 14–18, 2015. Book of abstracts, Omur Ugur (ed.), p.164., 2015, P.164
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N. Fialko, E. Sobolev, V. Lakhno. Temperature dependence of electronic heat capacity in Holstein model of DNA // Physics Letters A, 2016, Vol.380, №17, P.1547-1550
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71. |
Alexander P. Chetverikov, Werner Ebeling, Viktor D. Lakhno, Alexey S. Shigaev, and Manuel G. Velarde. On the possibility that local mechanical forcing permits directionally-controlled long-range electron transfer along DNA-like molecular wires with no need of an external electric field // Eur. Phys. J. B, 2016, Vol.89, P.101
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Korshunova A.N., Lakhno V.D.. The Peculiarities of Polaron Motion in the Molecular Polynucleotide Chains of Finite Length // Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics, 2016, Vol.11, №2, P.141-158 ( in Russian )
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V.D. Lakhno, A.S. Shigaev, T.B. Feldman, V.A. Nadtochenko, M.A. Ostrovsky. Quantum-classical model of retinal photoisomerization reaction in visual pigment rhodopsin // Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2016, Vol.471, №1, P.435-439
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Лахно В.Д.. DNA nanobioelectronics and innovative technologies // International scientific conference “Science, technology and innovative technologies in the prosperous epoch of the powerful state”, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, june 12-13 2016,
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Lakhno V.D., Chetverikov A.P.. Mobile discrete breathers in the DNA nucleotides excited by local perturbation of the velocity, and the charge transfer // VI International conference «Mathematical biology and bioinformatics», Pushchino, Russia, October 16-21, 2016. Book of Abstracts., 2016, P.12-13 ( in Russian )
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Fialko N.S., Sobolev E.V., Lakhno V.D.. Fialko N.S., Sobolev E.V., Lakhno V.D. // VI International conference «Mathematical biology and bioinformatics», Pushchino, Russia, October 16-21, 2016. Book of Abstracts., 2016, P.14-15 ( in Russian )
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Korshunova A.N., Lakhno V.D.. The polaron motion in a uniform G/C DNA chain, depending on the location in the chain of stationary nonlinear excitations // VI International conference «Mathematical biology and bioinformatics», Pushchino, Russia, October 16-21, 2016. Book of Abstracts., 2016, P.18-19 ( in Russian )
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D. Tikhonov, E. Sobolev, V. Lakhno. On the threshold of quantum transitions associated with charge transfer along the homogeneous DNA chain // VI International conference «Mathematical biology and bioinformatics», Pushchino, Russia, October 16-21, 2016. Book of Abstracts., 2016, P.22-23 ( in Russian )
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Likhachev I.V., Fialko N.S., Lakhno V.D.. On the computational experiments to reach the thermodynamic equilibrium in Peyrard-Bishop-Dauxois. Complementary DNA base pair // VI International conference «Mathematical biology and bioinformatics», Pushchino, Russia, October 16-21, 2016. Book of Abstracts., 2016, P.24-25 ( in Russian )
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Lakhno V.D., Sergeev K.S., Chetverikov A.P.. Charge transfer with mobile breathers in the DNA molecule, which was perturbed // VI International conference «Mathematical biology and bioinformatics», Pushchino, Russia, October 16-21, 2016. Book of Abstracts., 2016, P.26-27 ( in Russian )
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Lakhno V.D.. Simulation of dynamic and thermodynamic properties of polynucleotide chains // XXI NATIONAL CONFERENCE “Theoretical Foundations and Construction of Numerical Algorithms for Solving the problems of mathematical physics”, dedicated to the memory of K.I.Babenko, Novorossiysk, Abrau-Durso, 5-11 September 2016. Book of Abstracts. ISBN: 978-5-98354-024-8, 2016, P.95 ( in Russian )
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D. Tikhonov, E. Sobolev, V. Lakhno. Generalized frequency spectrum of charge diffusion in DNA // XXI NATIONAL CONFERENCE “Theoretical Foundations and Construction of Numerical Algorithms for Solving the problems of mathematical physics”, dedicated to the memory of K.I.Babenko, Novorossiysk, Abrau-Durso, 5-11 September 2016. Book of Abstracts. ISBN: 978-5-98354-024-8, 2016, P.117-118 ( in Russian )
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Lakhno V.D.. Modeling of electron dynamics and thermodynamics in DNA chains // The 7th International Conference “Distributed Computing and Grid-technologies in Science and Education” (GRID 2016). 4-9 July 2016, Dubna, Russia. Book of Abstracts. ISBN 978-5-9530-0446-6., 2016, P.37
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Likhachev I., Sobolev E., and Fialko N.. Comparison of CPU and GPU performance for the charge-transfer simulation in the 1D molecular chains // The 7th International Conference “Distributed Computing and Grid-technologies in Science and Education” (GRID 2016). 4-9 July 2016, Dubna, Russia. Book of Abstracts. ISBN 978-5-9530-0446-6., 2016, P.80-81
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N. Fialko, V.D. Lakhno. Estimation of the free energy on the basis of calculations of charge transfer dynamics in DNA // Sixth Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applications, June 15-20, 2016, Lozenetz, Bulgaria. Book of Abstracts, 2016, P.19
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E. Sobolev, D. Tikhonov, V. Lakhno. Hybrid method for calculations of velocity autocorrelations of charge transfer in DNA with respect to temperature // Sixth Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applications, June 15-20, 2016, Lozenetz, Bulgaria. Book of Abstracts, 2016, P.48
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Lakhno V.D.. The charge transfer in DNA and nanobioelectronics // The first Russian conference “Physics for Life Sciences”, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, September 12-16, 2016. Book of Abstracts, 204 pp. ISBN 978-5-93634-034-5, 2016, P.23 ( in Russian )
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Lakhno V.D.. Mathematical modeling of dynamic and stochastic processes in conducting polynucleotide chains // International scientific conference “Contemporary Problems of Mathematical Physics and Computational Mathematics”, dedicated to the 110 anniversary of academician A.N.Tikhonov, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. October 31 – November 3 2016, 2016 ( in Russian )
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Lakhno V.D.. Soliton-like motions in biomolecular wires such as DNA and the like // International Symposium: The soliton concept and its inter-, trans- and pluri-disciplinary ubiquity. Truth and consequences. From the macro- to the nano-world. Madrid, Spain. November 7-8, 2016, 2016
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N.S. Fialko, E.V. Sobolev, V.D. Lakhno. On the calculation of thermodynamic quantities in the Holstein model for homogeneous polynucleotides // JETP, 2017, Vol.124, №4, P.635
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A.N. Korshunova, V.D. Lakhno. The Peculiarities of Polaron Motion in the Molecular Polynucleotide Chains of Finite Length In The Presence Of Localized Excitations in the Chain // Math. Biol. Bioinf., 2017, Vol.12, №1, P.204 ( in Russian )
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Chetverikov A.P., Sergeev K.S., Lakhno V.D.. The Excitation of Mobile Discrete Breathers in DNA by Initial Disturbance of Displacements or Velocities of A Few of Adjacent Nucleotide Pairs // Math. Biol. Bioinf., 2017, Vol.12, №2, P.375-384 ( in Russian )
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O.A. Ponomarev, A.S. Shigaev, A.S. Galakhar, V.D. Lakhno. Closed systems of equations of correlation functions of currents for heterogeneous DNA fragments and polarons // Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2017, Vol.1109, P.19-26
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Lakhno V.D.. Dynamical and thermodynamic electronic properties of DNA // International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics (MMCP 2017), 3-7 July, 2017. Dubna, Russia. Dubna: JINR, 2017. 153 pp. ISBN 978-5-9530-0473-2, 2017, P.26-27
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Fialko N., Lakhno V., Pyatkov M.. Modeling of charge dynamics in homogeneous chain with defect // International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics (MMCP 2017), 3-7 July, 2017. Dubna, Russia. Dubna: JINR, 2017. 153 pp. ISBN 978-5-9530-0473-2, 2017, P.117-118
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Lakhno V.D.. Transfer of charge and energy in DNA by nonlinear excitations // The second Russian Conference with international participation “Physics for Life Sciences”, Ioffe Institute RAS, 18-22 September 2017, St. Petersburg. Book of abstracts. ISBN 978-5-93634-034-3, 2017, P.19 ( in Russian )
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V.D. Lakhno. Transfer of charge and energy by nonlinear excitations in DNA // International Workshop CAT-ICBCS 2017, 3-4 novembre 2017, Universita della Calabria, Rende, Italy. Book of abstracts, 2017, P.21
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A. N. Korshunova, V. D. Lakhno. Simulation of the Stationary and Nonstationary Charge Transfer Conditions in a Uniform Holstein Chain Placed in Constant Electric Field // Technical Physics, 2018, Vol. 63, No. 9, pp. 1270–1276.DOI: 10.1134/S1063784218090086, 2018, P.21
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V. D. Lakhno. Superconducting Properties of 3D Low-Density Translation-Invariant Bipolaron Gas // Advances in Condensed Matter PhysicsV. 2018, Article ID 1380986, 12 p. ISSN: 1687-8108 (Print) ISSN: 1687-8124 (Online) Hindawi, 2018, P.21
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A. Volokhova, E. Zemlyanaya, V. Lakhno, I. Amirkhanov, M. Bashashin, I. Puzynin, T. Puzynina. Numerical Simulation of the Formation of Hydrated Electron States // In: Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics 2017 (MMCP 2017). Gh. Adam, J. Busa, M. Hnatic and D. Podgainy (Eds.) EPJ Web of Conferences 173, 06013 (2018), 2018, P.21
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