N.K.Balabaev, V.D.Lakhno, A.M.Molchanov. Excited self-consistent states of electron in homopolar crystals // Preprint. – Pushchino: Scientific Center of Biological Researches USSR Academy of Sciences, 1983 ( in Russian )
V.D.Lakhno. Excited states of solvated electrons // Preprint. – Pushchino: Scientific Center of Biological Researches USSR Academy of Sciences, 1983 ( in Russian )
N.K.Balabaev, V.D.Lakhno. Self-consistent solutions in the continuous model of F-centers and the problem of relaxed excited states // Opt. Spektrosk., 1983, Vol.55, №2, P.308-312
V.D.Lakhno. Temperature dependence of the photoconductivity of color centers // Doklady Akademii Nauk USSR, 1983, Vol.272, №1, P.85-86
V.A.Kozlov, V.D.Lakhno. E.L.Nagaev. Effects of two-stage grag of carriers by phonons on the electrical conductivity and maximum thermoelectric power of pure semimetals with a low density of carriers // Fiz. Tverd. Tela, 1983, Vol.25, №4, P.1124-1129
V.D.Lakhno. Adiabatic theory of the conductivity electron motion in antiferromagnetic in quantizing field // Preprint. – Pushchino: Scientific Center of Biological Researches USSR Academy of Sciences, 1983 ( in Russian )
V.K.Fedyanin, S.N.Gorshkov, V.D.Lakhno, S.Rodriguez. On the general path integral approach to polaron problem // preprint. – Dubna: JINR, 1983