V.D.Lakhno. Spin waves amplification by Cherenkov electrons in antiferromagnetics // The All-Union conference on “Interaction of electro-magnetic waves with semiconductors and semiconductor-dielectric structures and the problems of creation VHP systems”, Saratov, 1985 : Proceedings. – Saratov: State University, 1985, Vol.2, P.9-16 ( in Russian )
V.D.Lakhno. Ground state of an electron in a field of Coulomb impurities in antiferromagnets // Fiz. Tverd. Tela, 1985, Vol.37, №3, P.669-672 ( in Russian )
V.D.Lakhno. Amplification of electromagnetic waves by Cherenkov electrons in a uniaxial antiferromagnetic in a strong magnetic field // Fiz. Tverd. Tela, 1985, Vol.27, №10, P.2920-2924
V.D.Lakhno. A generalized functional approach in the F-center theory // Preprint. – Pushchino: Scientific Center of Biological Researches USSR Academy of Sciences, 1985 ( in Russian )