V.D.Lakhno, A.M.Molchanov. Mathematical models of extended electron states in condensed media // Preprint. – Pushchino: Scientific Center of Biological Researches USSR Academy of Sciences, 1987 ( in Russian )
V.D.Lakhno, G.N.Chuev. Sound phonone states in adiabatic theory of polaron and F-center // Preprint. – Pushchino: Scientific Center of Biological Researches USSR Academy of Sciences, 1987 ( in Russian )
V.D.Lakhno. Hydrodynamic theory of the s-f exchange amplification of spin waves due to electron drift in antiferromognets // Fiz. Tverd. Tela, 1987, Vol.29, №9, P.2781-2786
V.D.Lakhno. Investigations on the theory of autolocalized states of electron in condensed media // The abstract of the doctor’s thesis. – Tartu, 1987 ( in Russian )
V.D.Lakhno. Investigations on the theory of autolocalized states of electron in condensed media // The doctor’s thesis. – Tartu, 1987 ( in Russian )
G.N.Chuev, V.D.Lakhno. The bound phonon in the polaron theory // XI International Conference on nonlinear oscillations : Abstracts. – Budapest: Janos Bolyai Math. Soc., 1987, P.192