N.I.Kashirina, V.D.Lakhno, V.V.Sychyov. Electron correlations and instability of a two-center bipolaron // Physics of the Solid State, 2003, Vol.45, №1, P.171-175
V.D.Lakhno, E.V.Sobolev, N.S.Fialko, V.V.Baryshnikov, L.А.Kirzhemanov. Database on charge transfer in DNA // The 10-th International Conference on “Mathematics. Computer. Education”, 20-25 Jan. 2003, Pushchino : Abstracts, 2003 ( in Russian )
N.I.Kashirina, V.D.Lakhno, V.V.Sychyov, M.K.Sheinkman. Properties of shallow-level D−-centers in polar semiconductors // Semiconductors, 2003, Vol.37, №3, P.318-322
N.I.Kashirina, V.D.Lakhno, V.V.Sychyov. Correlation effects and Pekar bipolaron (arbitrary electron-phonon interaction) // physica status solidi (b), 2003, Vol.239, №1, P.174-184
N.I.Kashirina, V.D.Lakhno, V.V.Sychyov, M.K.Sheinkman. Properties of the shallow D−-centers in semiconductors with polar and covalent binding // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2003, Vol.6, №3, P.269-273
V.D.Lakhno, N.S.Fialko. Hole mobility in a homogeneous nucleotide chain // JETP Letters, 2003, Vol.78, №5, P.336-338
N.S.Fialko, V.D.Lakhno. Charge transfer in DNA-metal-ligand complexes. Polynucleotides // N.Russo et al. (eds.), Metal-Ligand Interactions, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, P.453-459
V.D.Lakhno. Charge transfer in DNA-metal-ligand complexes. Oligonucleotides // N.Russo et al. (eds.), Metal-Ligand Interactions, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, P.571-584
V.D.Lakhno, V.B.Sultanov. Hopping and superexchange mechanisms of charge transfer in DNA // Biophysics, 2003, Vol.48, №5, P.741-745
V.D.Lakhno. Mathematical cell. Concepts of constructing mathematical models for charge transfer in a living cell // Vestnik RUDN, Seriya Prikladnaya i komputernaya matematika, 2003, Vol.2, №2, P.77-84